Dual Xeon 5150 Dedicated Server starts with $49.99 per month
Dual Xeon 2.6 GHz 4 Cores / 4 Threads
Dual Xeon 5150 Dedicated Server starts with $49.99 per month
Dual Xeon 2.6 GHz 4 Cores / 4 Threads
1 Gbit Port Speed
33TB Monthly Bandwidth Transfer
5 usable IPv4 /29 Block
/64 IPv6 Block
Dual Xeon 5150 Dedicated Server is configured at Kansas City with a very competitive price for $49.99 per month. Dual Xeon 5150 Dedicated Server is powered by Dual Xeon 5150 CPU with 16 GB DDR2 RAM. 2X500 GB SATA Hard Drive is housed inside Dual Xeon 5150 Dedicated Server for a huge space requirement for a minimum budget range in Dual Xeon 5150 Server. Ready2go Dual Xeon 5150 Dedicated Server is configured for a maximum performance for a minimum and affordable price for a 1 IPv4 address. Although this Dual Xeon 5150 Dedicated Server can added 5 extra IPv4 addresses apart from the default 5 IPv4 from /29 Block Address. This extra IP allocation of 5 IPs from /29 Block powers the server for an extra power to the Dual Xeon 5150 Range where 1IPv4 is available with a monthly price of $2.5 billed with a month-on-month commitment.